
Savings Calculator

Costs: feel free to modify these amounts

Monthly Savings:

You can save for one customer in a month.

Anual Savings:

You can save for one customer in a year.

Not only will you make fewer deliveries, your average delivery will greatly increase. Larger deliveries puts more money in your pocket.


* Annual cost of vehicle per customer = $100,000 – $10,000 salvage = $90,000 / 5 years / 2000 customers = $9.00 
This page also works with the metric system. Just enter your distance in km, your truck fuel rate in liters / km, and your fuel cost in liters.


** Driver costs: Salary, Training, Worker’s Comp, FICA, Insurance
Driver costs assume average speed of 50 mph.


*** Look at this graph and consider the stops saved by delivering only when the tank is low.



Don’t spend unnecessary money sending out a truck for a small delivery — Save money with Insite.