By the company that invented it
First Come The Innovators, Then Come The Imitators
– – – Warren Buffet – – –
Don’t be fooled by “imitations”. SkyTracker™ is the most robust, versatile and cost-effective remote-tank monitoring system in the world.
- 21 years to develop
- Capitalized with over $6.8 million
- 12 years of transmission histories
- 10 years in the remote tank monitoring business
- A Multi-Million Dollar, international, debt-free
- company A remote tank level monitor made by propane dealers for propane dealers!

MYTH Battery-operated monitoring systems are “a maintenance nightmare, requiring constant battery replacement.”
FACT With SkyTracker™, installation can be performed by anyone in under 3 minutes. Peel, stick, and plug – you’re done; no serviceperson to hard-wire 110-volt power, no telephone lines or cellular contraptions and there is no need to attach a relay device to the customer’s house/power or to ever enter the customer’s home or business.
FACT Maintenance of SkyTracker™ is limited to battery replacement and SkyTracker™ is not subject to utility power failures or power interruptions, as competitor’s systems can be.
FACT To change batteries in SkyTracker™, a phillipshead screwdriver is all that is required and battery change-out is UL and ETL approved to be at the tank. No need to disassemble the monitor to change batteries, which is required by ETL/UL in competitors’ systems. In addition, SkyTracker™ will notify you well in advance of battery depletion. Your route driver can replace the battery pack in seconds during regular product delivery—no special trips are required.
MYTH Batteries need to be “continually replaced after 200 transmissions.”
FACT SkyTracker’s™ standard battery pack is warranted for 200 transmissions, but delivers between 280 to 300 transmissions—a service life of approximately 2 years for the average light commercial or residential customer. This allows ample time to schedule battery replacements on regular delivery routes. There is no need for special trips or service calls. Replacement is easy and can be performed at the tank.
FACT SkyTracker’s™ power option for highconsumption users includes an Extended Life Battery Pack , which is warranted for 800 transmissions but deliver 900 to 1,100 transmissions—about 8 to 9 years for a normal residential application.
FACT For applications where constant power is needed, SkyTracker™ has always had the ETL and UL (CA and ANSI) approval to be powered externally by using any 12-volt source, solar panel, 110 converted to 12-volt or auto battery.
MYTH Stand-alone systems “need a satellite transmitter for each tank…increasing your monitoring fees.”
FACT One SkyTracker™ can monitor any number of manifold storage containers and can perform a number of other tasks, for example: low-temperature sensing, out-of-ordinary events, monitoring of harmful gases (CO, 3H8), Murphy Switches, etc.
FACT Do not be mislead. SkyTracker™, as with competitor’s systems, pays a transmission fee for each report sent to orbital satellites, regardless of the number of monitors used. Insite, however, “pools” transmissions of all SkyTrackers™ a dealer owns and calculates billing over an entire year, saving you money from end-user variance(s) and if your customer is seasonal. Even if a particular application requires constant tank monitoring throughout the year, unused transmissions from seasonal tanks can be used to off-set the heavy user. You never “waste” transmissions with SkyTracker™. Competitor imitations may very well cost you more than SkyTracker™. Check how you will be charged.
FACT The competitor who makes the claim that SkyTracker™ is more expensive because you have to buy a unit for each tank that is to be monitored, forgets to mention that they charge you for their cellular transmitter, Hall Sensor cable and battery that has to be installed on each and every tank for their system to work. Add to the fact that you still must have a service-technician hard-wire their transmission controller that governs the target tanks to the customer’s 110-volt power, and any savings that might be in equipment is mitigated with its cost of installation. And, such a system is still subject to intermittent or long-term power failure(s). In those systems, there is little bargain for you or your customer. In the end, you pay a high cost for an inefficient imitation! It is much more cost-effective to stay with the original, SkyTracker™.
MYTH “No satellite monitor could ever be ETL or UL approved”
FACT SkyTracker™ is the ONLY monitoring solution via satellite that is both ETL- and ULlisted, approved for use in the US and Canada with all hazardous materials, and tested for use in environments where propane is present.
Of course, we realize that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” and we appreciate the publicity. But if it costs you money, we do not want you to be fooled by our competitors false claims.
Download the The Facts about Satellite Monitoring brochure.